The Beautiful Season of Autumn

We all need some beauty during this sad, strange year. Fall is just the antidote for me. I found beauty right under my ruby slippers, in my own yard.  These are leaves fallen or plucked from my 2 favorite trees. All except the yellow ones are from my Smokebush. The yellow ones are from a beloved 60′ tall glorious Gingko tree.

All the leaves on a Ginkgo often fall within the same 24 hours. It’s a beautiful sight to behold annually. Within 24 hours, the yard will be blanketed with gold. I’ll take another photo, but this one is my favorite from the season so far. Aren’t these leaves beautiful? Nature sure knows how to paint in color!

Don’t forget to look down to see Autumn right beneath your feet. If you only look in the distance, you may miss the best parts. Live in the moment, BE in the moment, wherever you are.


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